PokerStars Casino enters Micestro market

PokerStars Casino enters Micestro market

PokerStars Casino announced today that they are entering the Micestro market. Many industry analysts believe this to be an interesting move as the Micestro market is still in its relative infancy.

"We see a lot of potential in the Micestro market," said a spokesperson for PokerStars Casino. "Players are really starting to embrace the unique gameplay and we believe there is a lot of growth potential for us in this space."

PokerStars Casino has not released any details on what games they will be releasing or when they plan to launch, but industry insiders believe they could release as early as next week. It will be fascinating to see how PokerStars Casino competes in this space against some of the more established operators like Bet365 and 888Casino.

Introducing Micestro – the new casino game from PokerStars

In Micestro, you are the empire builder. In this game, you compete against other players to create the most prosperous city-state. The game is played over a number of rounds, each of which has two phases:

  • City phase – In this phase, each player constructs their city by playing one card from their hand. Cities must be built adjacent to other cities, and can only be built on colored squares. The player who played the best card in the city phase will earn three points.

  • Battle phase – In this phase, players take turns attacking each other's cities using dice. If a player has more troops in a city than their opponent, they will win the battle and earn a point. The first player to reach six points wins the game.

Micestro is available now on PokerStars Casino.

How to play Micestro – a beginner's guide

Micestro is an online multiplayer game that pits players against each other in a fight to the death. The objective of the game is to be the last player standing by killing all of your opponents.

The game is played on a square grid, and each player has a "base" located in the center of the grid. The players' "units" are represented by circles, and they can move around the grid in any direction.

To kill an opponent's unit, you must first move your unit next to theirs and then attack them with your sword. If you hit your opponent, their unit will be killed and they will lose one life.

If you are killed, you will respawn at your base. The game is over when there is only one player left, or if all players have lost all of their lives.

Here are a few tips for beginners:

-Use your sword to kill your opponents' units. You can also use it to block attacks from your opponents.

-If you are being attacked by multiple enemies, try to move your unit out of the way so that you can only be attacked from one side. This will make it easier to block the attacks.

-Remember that you can only move your unit in the four cardinal directions (north, east, south, west), so plan your moves accordingly.

The best Micestro gaming sites for 2019

1 Bedrock Gaming

If you're looking for an enjoyable, safe, and bug-free Minecraft experience, then Bedrock Gaming is the server network for you! It offers a wide variety of game modes to its players, including Classic Survival, Skywars, The Walls, and more. Not only that, but the staff are always updating the server with new content to keep things fresh.

2 Mineplex

Boasting one of the largest player bases in the world, Mineplex is a gaming juggernaut that you simply can't ignore. Offering a variety of games modes - including Murder Mystery 2, QuakeCraft, and Hunger Games - there's something for everyone on Mineplex. What's more, the servers are always running smoothly and the staff are always happy to help.

3 CubeCraft Games

With a whopping 15 different game modes to choose from, CubeCraft Games is an excellent destination for Micestro gamers. Whether you're into PvE (Player vs Environment), PvP (Player vs Player), or just want to chill in a creative world, CubeCraft has you covered. What's more, the server runs on high-end hardware for a lag-free experience.

Get a free £10 bonus to play Micestro at PokerStars Casino

Sign up now and get a free £10 bonus to play Micestro at PokerStars Casino.

Micestro is an exciting, fast-paced card game that pits you against the dealer in a head-to-head battle. The object of the game is to score points by taking as many cards as possible to be equal to, or one higher than, the number on your opponent's card.

The game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. After the initial deal, each player draws two more cards from the deck and sets them in front of them face down - these are your players' cards. The dealer then flips one card over - this is the dealer's card.

The player with the highest visible card (ie, not counting any hidden cards) starts the round and play passes clockwise around the table. In each turn, you must either take another card from the deck or swap one of your player cards with one of the dealer's cards. Points are scored when you either take a card equal to or higher than the dealer's card (ie, going out), or when you take all of the cards in your hand and swap them for the dealer's hidden card (ie, «knocking out»).

The round ends when one player either takes their last card or decides not to take another (known as «sticking»). The player with the highest score at this point is the winner. If both players have no more cards and have scored equally, then it is a draw.

To start playing Micestro for free today, simply sign up at PokerStars Casino and use our bonus code: PM10FREE. You'll get £10 free and can start playing immediately!

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